Technical Note

Integration: connect COENA with Lightspeed iKentoo Restaurant K

COENA integration carte vins POS iKentoo

This article describes how to configure the “order placement” integration to Lightspeed iKentoo (POS).

How the integration works

The integration allows the sommelier or waiter to place a wine order directly from the COENA application (an active Internet connection on the iPad is required to place an order). The execution of a wine order in COENA triggers the appearance of the wine item on the table selected in iKentoo. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to keep a current wine list in iKentoo, since the main source for the wine list will always be present and updated in COENA.

Step 1: Setting up Lightspeed iKentoo

  • Adding a new article/item:
    name: COENA_WINE
    sku/id: COENA_WINE_CODE
    This article will link the wines ordered in COENA to Lightspeed iKentoo
  • Activate the takeout/API mode in iKentoo.
    and update the access rights for the iKentoo user: (one of the ROLE_BO_WRITE or ROLE_ODATA_READ roles is mandatory)
    For this step, it may be necessary to call iKentoo support.


Step 2: Connect COENA to iKentoo

This connection must be established for each iPad that is to be used as an order entry.

  • In the COENA administration interface, under “my account”, press the “iKentoo configuration” button.

COENA carte vins iPad integration POS

  • On the next screen, press the “Connect to iKentoo POS” button
    Enter your iKentoo login and password in the window that appears.
  • Once connected, press the “Fetch available businesses” button.
  • Select your business from the list on the left
  • Then select your location ID from the middle list
  • Make sure you have all the green LEDs as follows:

COENA carte vins iPad integration POS

  • Confirm the configuration by pressing “SAVE”.

Step 3: Perform an order placement test

  • In the COENA customer interface, go to the wine list
  • Touch three times the logo of your establishment in the upper left corner: a waiter icon appears
  • Select a wine: the stock and location view appears

COENA carte vins iPad integration POS

  • Press the “Order” button

COENA carte vins iPad integration POS

  • Select container, volume and quantity
  • Select table number and number of people at table (optional
  • Press the “Order” button
  • In iKentoo, check that the order has been placed.

Result once the integration is configured

Here is a video that shows the result when the integration is properly configured:


Do you have any questions? Contact our support via the form below:

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