The Evolution of the Sommelier in the Modern World

The Evolution of the Sommelier in the Modern World

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Articles

The profession of a sommelier, typically seen as the expert in all things wine, has been experiencing a profound transformation. This transformation is driven by a combination of factors such as technological advances, the impacts of climate change, changing consumer behavior, the rise of organic and natural wines, globalization, and the imperative need for diversity […]

Wine management AI tasting notes iPad

Revolutionizing the Wine Experience: AI and ChatGPT Empower Sommeliers

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Articles, Digital Customer Experience

The world of wine is vast and complex, with thousands of varieties, regions, and vintages to explore. For sommeliers, staying up-to-date with the ever-changing landscape can be challenging. That’s where cutting-edge technology comes into play, specifically the integration of AI and ChatGPT, which has the potential to revolutionize the way sommeliers and restaurants manage their […]

Display your wine on 1,2 or 3 lines with COENA

Posted Posted in Articles, Digital Customer Experience, Technical Note, Tutorial, Tutorial

At COENA, we quickly noticed that each restaurant has its own wine list format (our clients sell from 120 to 2200 wines with their iPad). It was therefore important to give our restaurateurs and sommeliers the possibility to customize their wine list and choose the right format, in order to offer customers a perfect experience. […]

Vins penurie serveurs carte iPad

Shortage of workers? Let your digital wine list sells your wines

Posted Posted in Articles, Digital Customer Experience, News

At a time when restaurants are finally reopening globally, the problem of available workers arises. As a recent article from a French newspaper indicates: Several thousand restaurant employees in Toulouse, France, have reportedly decided to turn their backs on the profession, which has been decimated by health restrictions. The Chamber of Commerce and restaurant owners […]

The digital wine list of ZANZE XVI, the New Osteria in Venice

Posted Posted in Articles, Digital Customer Experience, News, Success Stories, Testimonials Wine list ENG

ZANZE XVI, the New Osteria in Venice ZANZE XVI introduces a new concept to the restaurant industry, the Elegant Osteria, where the liveliness of a typical Venetian restaurant is combined with sophisticated cuisine. Zanze XVI, a new fascinating chapter in the Venetian Lagoon From the walls of the historic Trattoria dalla Zanze, a new culinary destination is born. […]